You the Administrator of this server acknowledge and understand that Truth or Dare Online is an adult game with adult content not intended for anybody under 18.
Precautions for Under 18s
You agree that you will take every reasonable precaution to prevent children under the age of 18 from viewing any channels this bot is used in.
You understand that any user can report your server for allowing under 18's to use or view content generated by this bot or its users.
You agree that if such a report is submitted, a member of the bot's moderation team may investigate your server.
You understand that your server could be banned from using the bot and reported for breaching Discord's ToS if a member of the moderation team finds you to be breaching these terms, Discord ToS, or the law.
You agree to allow the bot to store some basic information about the community for moderation purposes: Your community ID number, and your community's name.